Thursday, January 24, 2008

Kempe Therapeutic Preschool

I volunteer serving lunch at our preschool once a month and today was just great. The kids (3-6 year olds who have been abused and/or neglected) made their own "cowboy" beef stew in honor of the Western Stockshow in Denver going on right now. They had (thanks to our generous donors) also been on a special field trip to a local western gear store to buy cowboy hats and boots. Every one of the kids was wearing a unique pair of cowboy boots to go with each one of their unique personalities!

We had a great time talking about cowboys, horses, and cows. They were also interested in why I had so much gray hair... If you want to help these kids, you can volunteer serving lunch or in the classroom at our preschool. Visit our website and click on "I'd Like to Help".

- Jesse

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